The Concept of Wellness

Health is a condition of emotional, physical and mental well-being where infirmity and illness are absent. A number of definitions have also been used over the years for medical purposes. According to popular perception, the definition of health is equivalent to being in good health and free from sickness and injury. In this sense, the definition is indeed equivalent to health. However, health is a concept that is not static but are rather influenced by culture and norms from time to time, as well as technology that assist in bettering the quality of life.


Health policy is about providing a platform for individuals and communities to identify their priority health care needs, create practical measures to achieve them, and provide support networks for achieving the desired state. The provision of health care depends on the extent of the need for diagnosis and treatment, as well as on the financial capacity of the provider. Providers may require funds from governmental or non-governmental organizations. Health support networks are groups of individuals and families that assist each other in taking charge of one’s own health. Networks may be formed to facilitate access to health care by people with limited income or by groups of people who suffer from common diseases.

The promotion of health is also a social endeavor. Societies that emphasize on physical well being have fewer cases of mental health problems and vice versa. This phenomenon has been explained by the Theory of Constraints on Access to Mental Health Services. Individuals who have greater control over their environments (physical environment) and have greater control over their emotions (emotional environment) fare better psychologically. Individuals who have better access to a variety of sources for emotional and physical stimulation fare better psychologically than those who have less options.

Health is a process of maintaining good health. People live healthy lives when they are physically healthy and when they are psychologically healthy. Prevention of disease, injury, and infection are a major component of good health. Prevention is much easier than treatment.

The concept of wellness is not exclusive to the field of medicine. There is a general notion of wellness in everyday life. A happy and balanced child is viewed as having good health. Maintaining a positive body weight is viewed as crucial to good health. Regular exercise is essential to good health and well-being. Stress management can also be beneficial in reducing both illness and disability.

Health, in the broadest sense, is regarded as the maintenance of the good health of the body, mind and spirit. The good health of the mind and spirit necessarily encompasses and requires a good physical environment. Adequate sleep, a positive mental state, social connections and the ability to handle stress contribute to a healthy and long life. Healthy diet and exercise are also essential components of a good health program. Prevention is always better than cure.