What Are the Primary definitions of Good Health?

One definition of health is that “the quality of a person’s physical well-being.” According to the World Health Organization, “health is the interdependence of the physical functions of the body and the mind.” A wide variety of other definitions have also been used over the years for various purposes. One school of thought defines health as the absence of sickness, the absence of impairment, health in the sense of having well-organized and functioning body and mind. In this sense, health is maintained through appropriate diet and a healthy lifestyle.


Current debates and discussions surrounding the definition of health have produced different definitions. One emerging view is that there are three separate aspects to health: physical health, mental health and the quality of life aspect. These three aspects are thought to be in parallel but yet they interact in complex ways. The challenge today for people of color and other underserved groups is to find providers who can address their specific health needs.

The first step is to define what the definition of health means for you. It may refer to a state of good health; to a state of being healthy; or to the absence of any disease or impairment. For example, the definition of an absence of a disease could be considered to be healthy absence or healthiness. Some other examples include the absence of any pain or discomfort, the absence of any infection, absence of seizures, absence of mental illness, the absence of any major medical problems or disability or even any death. The first step in finding health care providers who are culturally competent is to understand your specific health issues so that you can articulate your needs to them in your language.

Second, your health needs are grounded on your history and your environment as well as on your genes and your body chemistry. Your experiences in the family as well as in your childhood may have led to an illness which has manifested itself in symptoms or behaviors now. Environmental factors include things that have always been present in your life like stress, poor nutrition, exposure to allergens, pollution, noise, violence, etc. They may be present in your life now because of a change in your environment or even because of your genes. Third, your health can be affected by genetic factors, but that doesn’t mean that other environmental factors are not important and have their own significance as well. The quality of your relationships, your sleep patterns and your cognitive health could also affect the quality of your health.

The fourth factor is your definition of good health. Healthy living is not just avoiding disease or injury but also preventing chronic illnesses that increase the likelihood of mortality. A definition of good health, which is then to be applied to persons of different ethnic groups could be based on the HDI (Hazard Ratio) which is a numerator for the equation of mortality and morbidity. According to this equation, the higher the HDI, the lower the percentage of deaths due to illness and the higher the percentage of deaths due to disease, death, or suicide.

The fifth definition is the definition of absence. We know that most people live with some form of disability, illness, or disease in their life. Those who don’t live without any disability, illness, or disease are said to have absence or being healthy. Healthy absence is the absence of illness, disability, or disease and being healthy is the absence or not having an illness, disability, or disease.

Why Sports Are Good For Your Child

Sports in high school to help prepare students to be responsible and active citizens into adulthood. Participating in sports teaches students that they belong to a community and that they’re a part of contributing to the world. Through sports, students also learn life lessons from sports, and they also gain respect for their fellow classmates. All of these benefits lead many high school students to participate in inter-collegiate sports such as track and field, football, basketball, soccer, softball, tennis, and volleyball.


Although participating in a sport can be an exciting and rewarding experience, it is important to consider the positive effects that sports can have on a student’s physical, emotional, and mental health. Sports help to develop a physically fit body and mind, which are important for young children. Not only does participation in sports to improve health, but it provides much needed exercise as well.

The importance of physical fitness cannot be overstated in today’s society. Many adults are taking note of their health and spending extra time in the gym to stay in shape. Children who play a sport or take a sports-based class or workshop benefit from a similar routine. When you consider the importance of sport and recreational activities, you realize that teaching your child about the importance of physical fitness at a young age can have lifelong effects. This is why so many parents encourage their children to participate in sports.

Darts is another example of a sport that provides a physical activity that can benefit your child. darts is a game that involves throwing a dart at a moving target. Like many sports, a child who participates in darts may learn how to plan and strategy. This skill will serve them well in college, helping develop a good work ethic and improving job performance.

Another game that many families are starting to include in their child’s life is rollerblading. This outdoor sport is increasing in popularity. A great way to get your child involved in sports is to allow them to rollerblade on the sidewalk during after school sports activities. You can also encourage other parents to let your child skate or roller blade during after school sports events. All of these outdoor sports activities will help develop important motor skills, hand-eye coordination and endurance.

Finally, don’t forget about martial arts. Kids love this classic sport. Martial arts can lead to athletic success, mental strength and self-confidence. It will teach your child how to take his mind and body into different positions, which will develop his or her thinking processes. And, like all sports, martial arts can be introduced into your child’s life at any age to develop skill and creativity.