Getting in Shape With Sports

Sports stories have been around for centuries. They have always been the center of attention in society because they provide some of the best and most exciting stories written. There are countless sports stories that have been written and have managed to be known the world over. These stories range from sports bloopers, a moment in time in the history of a sports event, all the way to the history of a country, a league, or an international event. Sports also provide us with characters that we would love to become friends with and even love interests.


A sports story can be described by any story where there is an element of sports. A sport can include baseball, softball, basketball, ice hockey, football, soccer, tennis, track and field, boxing, wrestling, surfing, skiing, cheerleading, motor sports, fencing and more. A sports film is basically a movie genre which makes use of sports as the main theme of the story. It’s a fictional creation where a sport, player, event, fan of a sports team or a country are heavily involved, and that usually rely on sports to a very large extent for their plot resolution or motivation. Sometimes the events of a sports film may parallel real life events to make for a very thrilling watch.

The first known sports film was Invictus, which was based on the true story of an war between two South African nations. This was followed by Ben Hur, starring Brad Pitt. Both films are amongst the highest grossing movies of all time. More recently another sports film that received little attention was Y2K, which was a highly anticipated sequel to the well received Finding Nemo. This movie was a box office hit and became one of the year’s biggest flops.

The modern sports genre is made up of many different genres, but the two most popular and widely exhibited are fencing and mixed martial arts. Fencing competitions can be found all over the world in every country, including Russia, India, China, Brazil, Mexico and the USA. Many of these competitions are for prestigious titles such as the World Cup Fencing Championship and the Olympic Games Fencing Competition. These displays of skill occur both indoors and outdoors, with both indoor and outdoor championships being held in different countries each year.

Mixed martial arts competitions, also known as MMA or Mixed Martial Arts, have grown in popularity in recent years, with the Ultimate Fighting Championships series being broadcast on both cable and satellite TV. There are dozens of regional MMA competitions across the United States. The UFC has expanded into multiple countries outside of the US, with several of its fighters traveling to China and Brazil to fight in exhibition matches against some of the best competition in the world. The growing interest in this type of sports competition is reflected in ticket sales for both events.

There are also numerous archery contests being held yearly, as well as a wide variety of other archery-related sports, such as paintball, trap shooting and high tech target shooting. Sports ranging from baseball to softball and basketball to handball and even tennis are being played by thousands of people across the country. Sports competition is an excellent way to get in shape, keep in touch with friends and family and just have fun.