Gambling Disorder


Gambling is the wagering of something of value, usually money, on a random event, such as a game of chance. It includes all forms of betting involving a risk and hope of gain, with the exception of games such as poker in which skill and knowledge play a major role. In a broader sense, it also includes any activity that involves taking a risk and the potential to lose something of value, such as purchasing stock or property, or even an insurance policy (the premium one pays for life insurance is, in effect, a bet that they will die within a specified time).

Gambling has become more common than ever, with four in five Americans saying they have gambled. But gambling isn’t always safe and can lead to serious problems, including addiction. Several studies indicate that people with gambling disorder, which is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as compulsive gambling, represent up to 4% of the population. These people experience significant distress or impairment from their problem gambling, which interferes with their everyday functioning and relationships.

Some people who engage in problematic gambling do not receive treatment, and the problem worsens over time. Others who get help recover. Although many people who gamble do not develop an addiction, the risk is higher for certain groups, such as those with low incomes and young people. In addition, compulsive gambling is more likely to occur in men than women.

While the exact cause is unknown, we know that the brain is involved in gambling behavior. When people gamble, their brains release dopamine, a chemical that makes them feel excited and gives them pleasure. The brain releases this dopamine even when the gambler loses. This is why some people are unable to stop gambling, even when they realize it’s harmful to their health and finances.

There are several ways to treat gambling disorders, including psychotherapy, which is a type of talk therapy conducted by a trained mental health professional. Some types of psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, focus on changing unhealthy thoughts and behaviors. Other types, such as gestalt therapy, aim to address the root cause of the problems.

Another way to prevent problems is to make it more difficult to gamble, such as by removing credit cards from your wallet, arranging for someone else to be in charge of financial matters, closing online gambling accounts and keeping only a small amount of cash on hand. Support groups can be helpful as well, especially those based on peer support, such as Gamblers Anonymous. Some research suggests physical activity can also reduce urges to gamble.