Health Defined

Health is a condition where disease and infirmity have been completely eradicated from the human system. A number of definitions have been applied to health, with different applications over the years. With modern research and constant study, we are slowly realizing that the definition of “health” is not as simple as it seems. We now know that the definition of “healthy” or “unhealthy” is not only dependent on one’s habits, but also by genetics, current health conditions, and other factors. Hence, it is necessary for you to keep in mind certain points while looking after yourself.


Mental health is the absence of mental illness or disorder in a person. Some other examples of the absence of mental disorder would be concentration, mood swings, depression, schizophrenia, and other related psychiatric problems. A person with poor concentration is said to have poor mental health; same as a person with depression and schizophrenia is said to have poor mental health. Thus, having good health is not only dependent on one’s habits, but also on the heredity, current health conditions, and other factors.

Good health is ensured through a good environment. A healthy physical environment consists of a clean and fresh atmosphere, safe food, adequate sleep, regular exercise, and the presence of social contacts. On the other hand, a mentally healthy person is free from mental discomforts and has a pleasant disposition towards the world. Thus, the absence of a good environment equates to the absence of a good health.

The pursuit of wellness should begin at birth. Full development of a child entails a mother and a father who provide their child with emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual needs. Maintaining the full potential of a baby is possible only if the parents have healthy relationships. Moreover, a mother and father who love each other should ensure that they remain physically and emotionally connected for their child’s well-being. Emotional wellness can be maintained through appropriate bonding, which enhances self-esteem, confidence, and adaptability in the face of difficulties. Psychological wellness is facilitated by a stable and supportive family environment.

A healthy mind and body are ensured through a good diet, regular exercise, and a positive outlook on life. A balanced diet consists of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low fat dairy products. Regular exercise is the primary means of keeping the body fit and active, as it enables adequate oxygen transfer to the cells. On the other hand, a consistent and vigorous regimen of meditation, yoga, and spiritual prayer helps maintain a positive state of mind and body. According to the fourth definition of health, a person who experiences all the benefits of good health is said to possess a “full potential for bodily and mental wellness.”

This definition of health is not exhaustive. It may, however, be used to point out a number of areas where individual differences can affect one’s ability to attain and maintain good health. The idea of defining health has changed over time, with the addition of a wider range of terminology and concepts. However, this basic definition continues to provide a useful framework for people to understand and evaluate their own health and the state of their bodies. In the end, people who have access to the resources, knowledge, and power that define health will be able to take control of their life and the quality of it.