Stem The Effects Of Drug Use On Wellness


Stem The Effects Of Drug Use On Wellness

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is “an organism’s good health with respect to aspects such as nutrition, bodily activity, and personality.” In this broad sense, health can be regarded as the state of being well. A wide variety of other definitions have also been used over the years for different purposes. The best definition, however, is described as a state of total well being that eliminates all negative aspects from an individual’s life.

Developed countries typically have a healthy diet. This is supported by a number of studies which indicate that a healthy diet can prevent many illnesses, including obesity, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and other diseases of modern society. A good diet results in an overall better health, as it reduces the risk of common illnesses, such as cancer, stroke, and diabetes. It also helps to control the risks of serious illnesses such as heart disease. It is the combination of a healthy diet and a regular exercise program, and other stress reduction strategies, that promote a healthy, long-term lifestyle.

The third major component of a healthy lifestyle is defined health. It can also be described as the quality of the physical dimension of one’s health. An overall physical dimension of health can be influenced by the severity of the diseases of a person. A physically healthy person has greater resistance to disease, has a higher energy level, and a higher quality of life.

The fourth major component of a good life is mental health. Mental health refers to the ability to enjoy life to the fullest and to cope with various types of challenges. Mental disorders refer to mental illnesses that are associated with behavior, thought, or feeling patterns that are dysfunctional. Emotional well being and general mental health are influenced by the physical aspects of the environment, and they affect how people view and respond to physical challenges.

The fifth component of well-being is physical health. It refers to the proper functioning of organs, the circulatory system, and the nervous system. It can also include performance, maintenance, and safety of organs, function and appearance of the skeletal system, and quality of life. A healthy body, mind, and spirit are important for optimal levels of physical health and mental illness.

The components described above have holistic meaning. They do not refer to any one particular aspect of a person’s life. Although they all play an important role, they do not assume a special place in the overall evaluation of wellness. The focus of this paper is on the interrelationships among these five aspects of wellness, in order to provide a framework from which the relationship between drug use, emotional disorders, and physical illness can be studied.