How Do Environmental Factors Affect Well-Being?


How Do Environmental Factors Affect Well-Being?

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is “the condition of being fit and healthy.” Numerous definitions have been applied to health, with each used for various purposes. Some people may be healthy in one area of their life and unhealthy in another. However, there are some things that all individuals have in common. As these universal principles of health have been examined, a more definitive definition of health has evolved.

According to WHO, the primary definition of health is “the condition of living a normal and healthy life at the same time reducing the risk of death and preventing disability and impairment caused by illness.” The secondary definition of health is more inclusive and states that good health is achieved when “no complications of disease occur” and “people get the maximum benefit from the contributions of physical, emotional, social and other forms of activity.” In developed countries, good health is achieved through a healthy diet, regular exercise and an adequate amount of sleep.

Developed nations, where most people are overweight, have developed certain definitions of health that are used as a basis for promoting health. These definitions include a balanced diet, low intake of fat and salt, and avoidance of tobacco use. While these definitions of health have improved over time, especially in the developing world, many people continue to suffer from some form of chronic illness or disability. The fact that there are several definitions available for health has led to the rise of a wide variety of health promotion campaigns, each claiming to improve the health of the individual.

The first and most significant type of health promotion is general health. This definition involves evaluating the total physical well-being of an individual. It includes assessment of height, weight, age, gender, and the presence of chronic diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, arthritis, and heart disease. While overall health may not be measurable in a single glance, the absence or presence of physical conditions such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, and arthritis in an individual can indicate a whole range of other conditions and problems.

Mental health is closely linked to physical well-being. Mental health refers to a person’s ability to live his life well. A person’s mental well-being is affected by his perception of his environment as well as his attitude towards his personal hygiene, work, home, and other activities. A person’s mental health may also be affected by his relationships with other people and his daily routines. These factors may include the extent of his social network and his capacity to make productive use of these relationships.

Environmental factors and daily life routines are related to the level of well-being. For example, when a person is ill, his body does not function properly. Similarly, environmental factors such as pollution and noise can have an impact on health and well-being. For this reason, Laypersons need to educate themselves about environmental factors and their impact on health and well-being.