How Gambling Affects Relationships and Health


Gambling is an activity that involves risking something of value, such as money or property, on an event with some element of chance. It can be as simple as betting on a horse or football match or as complex as playing card games and casino slots. Although gambling can be fun and entertaining, it can also cause serious problems. Gambling can damage relationships, affect work or study performance and lead to financial crisis. It can also be linked to poor health and even suicide. It’s important to recognise the signs of a problem and seek help if necessary.

The human brain is biologically wired to seek rewards. We’re programmed to receive pleasure from healthy activities such as spending time with family and friends, eating nutritious food and exercising. When we gamble, our bodies release a chemical called dopamine that gives us a short-term sense of pleasure. But this kind of pleasure is not sustainable because it doesn’t give us the motivation to engage in healthier behaviors. Instead, we’re compelled to keep gambling, seeking more and more dopamine in order to feel good. This cycle can result in dangerous levels of debt and may even lead to homelessness.

Some people gamble to relieve stress. The bright lights, the whirring of slot machines and the sound of cheering crowds can provide an escape from everyday worries. For some, the escapism can be addictive. If you’re worried about your or a loved one’s gambling habits, it’s important to speak to an expert. Speak to a StepChange debt adviser for free, confidential advice.

Many factors can contribute to gambling disorder, including personality traits and coexisting mental health conditions. It’s also common for gambling disorders to run in families, suggesting a genetic link. People with depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder are at greater risk of gambling disorders than those who don’t have these conditions.

Taking drugs or alcohol can also increase the risk of developing gambling disorders, as can trauma and a history of childhood abuse or neglect. Research has found that gambling disorder tends to be more prevalent in people with lower socioeconomic status, especially those living in rural areas.

Research on gambling impacts has shown that there are significant social costs resulting from gambling that are not directly measurable in monetary terms. While measuring the direct economic costs is fairly straightforward, it’s challenging to determine the indirect costs of gambling, such as lost productivity, relationship issues and emotional distress.

There are a number of ways to tackle a gambling problem, including psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a type of treatment that helps a person identify and change unhealthy emotions, thoughts and behaviours. It can be carried out in group or individual therapy and is usually conducted by a trained professional, such as a psychologist or clinical social worker. There are also support groups for people with gambling disorders, and websites where you can discuss your problems anonymously. It’s also important to reduce the risk of gambling by avoiding casino and TAB venues, using credit cards responsibly and finding other ways to socialise.